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Floor plans below are examples of what can be done with our tipis. Trestle tables are 2m x 90cm with 4 x people per side and one at either end when they are not connected. Round tables are 1.8m diameter.
All examples below are with 1 side of the tipis up/ open in the witch hat position. If you'd like to close all sides and just have a zip door for the opening, this will reduce the amount of tables and chairs you can have.
Tipi prices do not include furniture pictured below. Click on FURNITURE to view our full range of tables and chairs.
1 x tipi
4 x round tables (40 people)
10m x 10m sides down
13m x 13m sides up
1 x tipi
8 x trestle tables (80 people)
1 x fire pit
10m x 10m sides down
13m x 13m sides up

1 x tipi
10 x trestle tables (86 people)
10m x 10m sides down
13m x 13m sides up

2 x tipis
13 x trestle tables (110 people)
1 x full or half circle bar
1 x dance floor
20m x 10m sides down
23m x 13m sides up

2 x tipis
10 x Trestle tables (96 people)
1 x full or half circle bar
1 x dance floor
20m x 10m sides down
23m x 13m sides up

2 x tipis
5 x Round tables (50 people)
1 x full or half circle bar
1 x dance floor
5 x bar leaners
20m x 10m sides down
23m x 13m sides up
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